Monday, July 11, 2011

Top 5 YA Book Titles

This Top 5 topic is inspired by the recent reveal of the title of John Green's new book, The Fault In Our Stars.

The purpose of a title is to make the book distinguishable, and also to intrigue possible readers. This is why most vague one word titles (Delirium, Valiant, Torment, Splendour, Forgotten, Sea) that seem to dominate don't work for me in particular -- they don't really seem to achieve either of those aims.

But there are some titles out there that I love, and here are five of my favourites in no particular order:

The Dust Of 100 Dogs
A. S. King

This title is instantly intriguing, and succinctly sums up the premise. Plus, it's really unique, and that's always a good thing.

The Piper's Son
Melina Marchetta

A really lovely metaphor from the story, it's both relevant and says something about our main character. It also predisposes you to pay attention to mention to Thomas's father while reading and helps you understand their father-son dynamic.

The Forest Of Hands And Teeth
Carrie Ryan

The title sets the creepy, horrific tone. It's also unique and indicative of the author's writing style. But yeah, mainly the creepy. I love the creepy.

Other Words For Love
Lorraine Zago Rosenthal

A really sweet title. It automatically tells you it's a romance, but at the same time, tells you it's a bittersweet one. It's also very clever and relevant to the story.
Want To Go Private?
Sarah Darer Littman

The only book on this list I haven't read, I don't know how appropriate it is to the book, I wanted to read this book before I'd even read the blurb based on the title.

An honourable mention goes to the German edition of Please Ignore Vera Dietz by A. S. King - 'Please Don't Hate Me'. Because that title just makes me feel really sad whenever I hear it and because it's so perfect for the book.

Got any titles you really like? How about some you really hate? Tell me about them!